Management system


With the decision to introduce the ISO certificate, we decided on the quality of our business in order to confirm our quality and differentiate ourselves from potential competitors. With the implemented certificates, we prove to all interested parties that we operate in accordance with all the requirements prescribed by a certain international standard. The certificate is a sign to each of our existing and future clients that we are a company that manages its business with quality.

ISO 45001:2018 EN

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 14001:2015 EN

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 9001: 2015 EN

ISO 45001:2018

Management system policy

GEOTECHNICS  doo undertakes to carry out work in compliance with appropriate internal and national standards and regulations relating to quality and environmental protection, as well as the protection of employee health and safety. We also take great care in continuously harmonizing our activities with all legal regulations and other requirements.

For GEOTEHNIKA doo, it is the fulfillment of the customer’s requirements and compliance with established standards  in the field of civil engineering and civil engineering work, structural rehabilitation, obligations are of utmost importance, so for each product and service, planning and process management is carried out according to established procedures.

Relations with customers and suppliers are based and maintained on mutual trust, especially when harmonizing terms, specifications and requirements for quality and environmental protection, health and safety of employees.

Permanent professional training of employees will be carried out with the aim of raising the quality and responsibility for the performance of their tasks, for safe work, the use of protective equipment and a responsible attitude towards their own health and progress.

In order to constantly improve the quality and protection of the environment, health and safety of employees, we will develop new technical and technological solutions, and upon their adoption, accept them as new standard solutions.

GEOTECHNICS  doo maintains a management system that determines and continuously improves the quality of the work performed, and by adopting and maintaining standards for environmental protection and occupational health and safety, we will ensure that we pollute the environment as little as possible while performing our activities and create safe workplaces for our employees.

We provide full support for consultation and participation of workers in all essential elements of the occupational health and safety management system.

We pay special attention to the prevention of accidents, injuries, occupational diseases, environmental and physical damage, and generally to the prevention of work-related health risks.

International standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015  and ISO 45001:2018 require regular monitoring and assessment of the quality assurance, environmental protection and occupational health and safety systems, both internally and externally, by an organization authorized for certification, and we will strive to preserve and defend the recognition and certificate we have won in all subsequent audits.

The assessment of the management system will be carried out at least once a year, and planned internal checks will be the basis for taking corrective measures, analyzing risks and opportunities and constant control of all work activities in the further development of the integrated management system.

Periodic review of the management system policy will ensure its continued adequacy.

This policy is available to all interested parties and communicated to all who work for and on behalf of  GEOTECHNICS  Ltd.

In Rugvica, 07.01.2025.                                                                                              

                                                                                                                                                                 Director:  Petar Feric

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